Have you ever read a book that changed your life or had someone share an idea that changed your life?
.If you can say yes, then I imagine you will remember that event, and what may of changed for you from that day forward.
Going down the “rabbit hole” of all things tech
It’s going to be 15 or so years ago, I received a email from my hosting company that was a pitch for a 12 week class about “blogging”.
.The theme of their email was “Learn How To Make $1,000’s of dollars online with Blogging”
.Hmmmmm…. it sounding intriguing, however the one “mistake” that they did was make their email a 20 minute read, and they actually gave away too much information, at the time.
As we were doing salon renovations, and the extra expense to take this course was good timing, I decided to “Google” the topic of Blogging.

Who knew that was the beginning of old school CONTENT CREATION, but that was the “idea” that definitely changed my life, shaped my salon NICHE career, and my love of “how the internet works”.
I went on to learn how to blog, build WordPress Websites, use different website builds, optimize websites, SEO, Heatmaps, Digital Lead Generation, and…this screenshot is from Google Analytics.

If and when you set out to “become your own boss” today, one of the best assets you can be armed with, in today’s digital market is either the “know how” knowledge of “how does the internet work?” or to work with someone that you can trust…that really does, and isn’t just trying to sell you a bridge.

The absolute beauty about the TECH behind deciding what you want to “go after” is that “whatever” that is….when you have the right TECHNICALLY EDUCATED Marketer, then the internet can be your Business Oyster.

- A website is more than just a “pretty digital brochure”, and should showcase SOLUTIONS for what your audience is looking for.
- Your “Brand” needs to be personable, approachable, and engaging enough that it creates some curiosity to cut through all of the digital noise.
- Your solutions need to focus on THE CUSTOMER’S potential problem and the available solutions.
- Don’t overwhelm them with too much to read, and make sure to make actual paragraphs that have enough “whitespace”Make your copy about them, and not all about you. They are looking for solutions for their problem and can get to know you when they meet you.
IMPORTANT! Make it ultra-easy for them to contact you!

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